“I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours”

—Henry David Thoreau, Walden


Sebastian’s Tale and Norton’s Tale are charming allegories with passionate pleas for a healthy future for all beings … the message is strong, the spirit is optimistic. The story encourages collaboration, creative and critical thinking, and a moral obligation to the earth.”


Joyce Faulkner

Award-winning author of “In the Shadow of Suribachi,” “Windshift,” “Username,” and “Losing Patience”

“In Skunk Tales Trilogy, there is a blending of how one person can make a difference when faced with a problem that faces us all. Told from the perspective of woodland animals, it entices and encourages all readers, to think about what we are doing to our planet.”


Dory Hippauf

Research Committee Chair, Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition of Luzerne County, PA

Sebastian’s Tale and Norton’s Tale are delightful stories told through an unexpected perspective, the eyes of animal characters … This creative, funny, yet educational, book will inspire the reader to get involved, help others promote good health, wellness for mankind, and healing for Mother Earth.”


Maria Prascak


About Dylan

Dylan, (aka Gail Neustadt) who earned advanced degrees in Speech-Language Pathology from CWRU and the University of Michigan, specialized in new service delivery systems for those with Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders. She was a nationally recognized speaker and invited member of the HCFA (CMS) Multi-State Case-Mix and Quality Demonstration Project which established the prospective payment system for long-term care and quality of care indicators used by surveyors. For ten years prior to retirement, Dylan was CFO and owner of two companies, GNI, a contract therapy company providing Physical, Occupational and Speech-Language Therapy services in long-term care; and G-Networks providing education and training to rehabilitation professionals throughout the country.

In 2001, six years before her husband’s death, Dylan’s article, “Side by Side: Traveling the Road and Sharing the Load of Alzheimer’s Disease,” was published in the ASHA Leader (American Speech Language Hearing Association). The article received a prestigious award from SNAP (Society for National Association Publications) and was followed six years later by a second article, “Still Traveling the Road.” Dylan explains that it was the second article, along with a series of mystical experiences, that catapulted her onto a less traveled writing road. Noting parallels between mental degradation caused by her husband’s illness and environmental degradation caused by corporate pollution, Dylan began writing “Skunk Tales Trilogy.” All three books, “Norton’s Tale,” “Sebastian’s Tale” and “Quinn’s Quill” use animal characters to depict the increasing dangers of a new gold rush … unconventional natural gas drilling. Both “Norton’s Tale” and “Sebastian’s Tale,” published by Red Engine Press are award winners and “Quinn’s Quill” is currently being completed.

In addition to her writing, Dylan walks her talk by sitting on several community boards and giving testimony at DEP, EPA and local public hearings. She is a member and supporter of many environmental organizations and writer for a local magazine. Although her motivation for environmental activism originated with her husband’s illness, it is now driven by the love she has for her grandchildren, Joey, Dylan, Samantha and Jordan; all of our grandchildren and generations to come!

Scenes From My Life

With My Wonderful Family

Fundraising for Collier’s Parks & Rec.

In Arizona with my friend Jim

Hiking in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Making virtual cookies with Granddaughters

Guest presenter to Allegheny Intermediate Unit

With DJ at Pikes Peak, a dizzying height

Pastry Chef at True Confections, my imaginary bakery

Horsing around with DJ

An OSU alumni event with DJ, President of the PGH Club

I’m a sew & sew! Made Raggedy Anns for each of my Granddaughters

Hugging Seaford, my stuffed Butler