Getting Up to Speed!

Getting Up to Speed!

Average beats per minute when reading out loud.Knowing the environmental complications that would occur over the next seventeen years, I abruptly ended my conversation with neighbor Ben. No sense wasting precious time, so I bolted out the front door, followed by my...

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We are still huddled in the corner of my home, watching the 2007 version of myself speak with Ben about our new neighbor, Marcellus Shale. Although I already know what transpires during this conversation, my passengers only hear me from 2007 speaking. So they only...

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New Neighbors

New Neighbors

It was Ben who first told me about our new neighbor, Marcellus Shale. I asked him when and where this new neighbor would be living and if I should take him my usual gift of Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins (let me know if you want the recipe; they're yummy). But I was...

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Final Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy

"Both Quinn and I were aware of the impending threat to the Ambridge Reservoir, which provided drinking water for 30,000 people living in Beaver County. Even though I was determined to prevent what was about to occur, I couldn't shake the feeling that stopping it...

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The Predatory Pipeline

The Predatory Pipeline

Wish landed, but not exactly where I had expected. After all, I did say, 'It's off to Beaver County and the Predatory Pipeline.' But I never told Wish when or where in Beaver to land, and knowing that this pipeline would take several years to build, it had to be...

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Pulling Strings

Pulling Strings

Perched at the edge of Wish, I stretch my neck as far as it will go, reach my right arm over, and wait with bated breath. Time seems to drag on as I strain, feeling the ache in my neck and back intensify. My arm grows weary. Finally, the quilled animal arrives at the...

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All Aboard

All Aboard

Finally, I’m in the large, fortified Wish basket, and although ready for travel, I am uncertain what direction the wind will blow. As I wait for all you travelers to come on board, my mind wanders, wondering what will come next. I recall Dad handing over a map while...

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The Cookie Crumbled

The Cookie Crumbled

Yes, in 2003 I saw it through my binoculars - the big smiley face logo on the Eat’n Park balloon heading South toward my home. It was the answer to my question about finding happiness. Indeed, I interpreted the sweet big cookie smile to mean that I would once again...

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Blowin’ in the Wind

Blowin’ in the Wind

So there we were: Dave, our neighbors, and me greeting a couple of strangers who had disrupted our sleep on a Sunday morning in 1992 after landing in a hot air balloon at the end of our street. We watched them climb out of the attached basket, gather up the silk...

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Up, Up and Away

Up, Up and Away

Dear Passengers, Electra joins me in thanking you for two years of time travel adventures. And I thank Electra for helping me reflect upon and then express past events in my life. During our thirty-one excursions, some exciting, some informative, some sad, I attempted...

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