Quinn’s Narrative Unfolds

Quinn’s Narrative Unfolds

After glancing around Abigail’s living room, Quinn held the wineglass aloft and made the following toast in a playful voice with a hint of mischief … QUINN: “Here’s to adventures untold and stories yet to unfold.” Quinn paused, the silence inviting reflection, before...


We are still huddled in the corner of my home, watching the 2007 version of myself speak with Ben about our new neighbor, Marcellus Shale. Although I already know what transpires during this conversation, my passengers only hear me from 2007 speaking. So they only...
New Neighbors

New Neighbors

It was Ben who first told me about our new neighbor, Marcellus Shale. I asked him when and where this new neighbor would be living and if I should take him my usual gift of Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins (let me know if you want the recipe; they’re yummy). But I...
Final Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy

“Both Quinn and I were aware of the impending threat to the Ambridge Reservoir, which provided drinking water for 30,000 people living in Beaver County. Even though I was determined to prevent what was about to occur, I couldn’t shake the feeling that...
The Predatory Pipeline

The Predatory Pipeline

Wish landed, but not exactly where I had expected. After all, I did say, ‘It’s off to Beaver County and the Predatory Pipeline.’ But I never told Wish when or where in Beaver to land, and knowing that this pipeline would take several years to build,...